Demographics Data: URM 2017

In partnership with Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), OXIDE surveys the chairs of leading Ph.D.-granting chemistry departments to track the demographics of the departments' research-active tenured / tenure-track faculty on an annual basis. Longitudinally, these data reflect the progress made by departments—both individually and collectively—in building more diverse faculties. 

Under-represented Minority (URM) Datasets - AY 2014-15 & 2015-16

As part of the 2017 release of the OXIDE Faculty Demographics Survey data, we are able to report on under-represented minority faculty in our surveyed departments for the first time. This data will remain embargoed for the next few months, as we work with our partners at C&EN to release a published version. 

All Data is Current
AY 2015-16αR
AY 2014-15αR
  • Dontarie Stallings, Srikant Iyer, & Rigoberto Hernandez
  • Chemistry department chairs & affiliates
  • our funding support: NSF, NIH, & DoE
  • our partners at C&EN: Andrea Widener & Linda Wang